As jerry writes this update, it is the first morning in a long time that a long sleeve shirt is in order! This summer has meant some travel, but we have been home working on new projects that will be part of our ministry this fall.
- Our daughter Laura finished her PhD and promptly walked 500 miles on a pilgrimage called 'the Camino'. Though she carried very little with her, she did keep a journal. Unbeknownst to Laura, so did her mother. And their spiritual companionship of these journeys led to a retreat given by Laura at Holy Trinity parish. My hope is that this collaboration, with some of my music, will become a new cd or dvd. Stay tuned!
- Jerry travelled to Arkansas to give a workshop for Methodist Ministers and staff, played a wedding in the Atlanta Cathedral, and did a number of jazz performances including a Knights of Columbus Big Band event at Holy Cross parish.
Jerry led a faculty retreat for a thriving High School faculty and staff named for Pope John XXIII. The leadership of this school seeks to continue the peaceful + evangelical catholic spirit of Blessed Angelo Roncalli. Jerry sang at the event with Benedictine Sister Cathy Anne Lepore, and led the group in reflection on growing Catholic Leadership.
- The Highlight of the summer came in NC at the Annual Regional Gathering. Cricket & Jerry were asked to lead sessions around the content given by Franciscan Sister Ilia Delio, primarily on prayer. Cricket's reflections and activities were a blessed complement to Sister's sessions. As the weekend proceeded, jerry felt led to write a song focused on the contemplative exhortation of St. Clare to "gaze on the Cross"; in the way an infant does. Jerry led this song with the entire 325+ members as a choir on the final evening, and this song is on the upcoming cd now being finished. (stay tuned!)
- Said trip had exciting travel notes I didn't mention. Our trusty little camper gave up on the side of the road in Franklin NC: we were towed to a very small fix it place, and our friend and angel Joan Furst came by to transport Cricket while I stayed with the van (guitar, cd's, clothes, healthy food, you get the picture). In any case, the little shop (within a mile of two secular franciscans we found out later) took a while but did a great job getting me back on the road a week or so later!
- The new cd we have worked on this summer is called "On a Road of Prayer". It chronicles our travels this year in all original songs sung by Jerry and our daughters. It includes songs that were inspired in many different locations in our itinerant service. Jerry feels the stories of these songs are one with the songs themselves. He played all instruments (but our son Jacob added percussion on the theme song) and includes some mandolin, banjo, & harmonica. There are solos from 3 of our daughters, and Cricket is promising it is our best ever! (I would accuse her of plenty of bias!) Please stay tuned!