Friday, May 24, 2013

Summer 2013!


We were blessed to serve St. Michael's in Garden City, SC last weekend. Mary Ellen DeKleva and the Blessed Jon Duns Scotus fraternity hosted us for a day of reflection on Mary and the Year of Faith. Both fraternity members and guests attended. "Brother Salad" Frank Kane not only put us up (or put up with us) for the night before, but determined that he and I are related through his grandmother's family!                                               The day began with Mass celebrate by Fr. Carlo, inviting the parishioners to attend. Cricket then led the group, with some musical moments by Jerry, through 3 moments in Mary's faith. This was done through 4 Scriptures and reflections.
There is also interaction in everything we do, and I've always thought the teaching and wisdom shared among participants is an essential part of the blessings of the day!

'Brother Salad', our good friend Frank Kane, told us some of the beautiful story of the stained glass at St. Michaels! visit their site for this story?

We finished a wonderful day with a benediction of the Blessed Sacrament led by Deacon Don, who I believe was professed as a secular Franciscan in 1977! I don't have permission to share many of the other names and stories, but there is always a special blessing when so many 'hang around' long after and share that they were 'absolutely supposed to be here today!"


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